Stevens Point WI - Bayland Buildings, Inc. kicks off Wisconsin Farm Technology Days


The Wisconsin Farm Technology Days is the largest agricultural show in Wisconsin and one of the largest in the nation. The three-day outdoor event showcases the latest improvements in production agriculture, including many practical applications of recent research findings and technological developments. Each year, it is held in a different Wisconsin county - on a different host family farm.

Portage County is excited to be hosting the 2014 Farm Technology Days! Portage County has diverse agriculture which provides 5,600 jobs, about thirteen percent of the county's workforce and contributes $1.11 billion in economic activity, more than eighteen percent of the county's economic activity. The county has more than 1000 farms and 280,000 acres in agricultural production. It is the leading Wisconsin county in production of potatoes, processed snap beans and sweet corn. It is second in green pea production. Portage County has 12,900 cows which produce 27 million gallons of milk annually, 3,700 head of beef cattle and 5,000 hogs. The value of its grain production is $16.3 million and cranberry production of $8.8 million. For more information visit their website.

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