Check Out The Progress at Tinedale Farms in Wrightstown, WI
Ag News
Bayland Buildings is making excellent progress on the new facility for Tinedale Farms in Wrightstown, WI. The 12-row tunnel-ventilated freestall barn has the first half of its frames and purlins erected, and the walls around the reception tank area are sheeted. We will soon begin the roof sheeting on the freestall barn. The structure for the holding area is complete, and the roof sheeting is nearing completion.
Frames and purlins for the 110-stall carousel parlor have been erected, and masonry work is currently in progress. Bayland anticipates starting the roof installation on the parlor shortly. We are also preparing the PVC-formed concrete walls between the loading bay and milk house for the concrete pour. Once that is done, we will begin the roof construction on the fully enclosed loading bay building.