Tinedale Farms in Wrightstown, WI Expands

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Exciting developments are underway at Tinedale Farms in Wrightstown, WI! Our team is wrapping up concrete work on the addition to barn 1 while ongoing site preparations are taking place for the new parlor, holding area, and new freestall barn which included relocating 2 lagoons and enhancing their size to accommodate to the new facilities.

When completed, this impressive project will feature a 110 stall Bomatic rotary parlor, a spacious holding area, and 2,343 deep bedded freestalls inside a new 12-row tunnel-ventilated freestall barn, measuring 240’ x 970’, designed with two-way traffic to the new milking parlor. The facilities were designed to maximize cow comfort.

In addition, we are extending barns 1-4 to add additional stalls and 2-way traffic. Tunnel ventilation will be installed on the north side of all the additions, along with a breezeway connecting all barns to the new facilities.

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